Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I can't believe sweet little Ty is 5 months old today! It's crazy how fast time has flown and how much my life has changed. I love every minute. Even the sleepless nights like last night where he woke up screaming every 2-3 hours, only to be consoled by Micky Mouse Clubhouse.

In a lovely celebration of Ty being 5 months (or the sale they were having) we went to Macy's today. I love dressing Ty but seriously there are 5 million billion cute girl things for 1 boy thing. Maybe Heavenly Father knew I'd blow all our money on clothes so he sent us a boy first...

Regardless of my future children and their birth order we got Ty and Gabby some cute things. After my mom had paid she quickly went to the bathroom while I waited for the girl to bag everything up. She started asking questions about Ty and how old he was and then as she's putting Gabbys dress in the bag she looks at me and says"oh do you have another older daughter?" I laughed and said no that the dress was for my sister. The lady then gives me a questioning look like I'm lying and says "so wait he's your first?" Yes he's my first. I know I didn't get that much sleep last night but do I really look that bad? Or are you shocked I wasn't a teen mom? Both of your questions sucked and I never want to play a game of 20 questions with you because probably when it was done I'd do something I'd regret and end up in prison for a good couple of years. Thanks for the self esteem booster today! I think I'll quickly take my sons clothes and go shop in the teen section to make myself feel better.

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