Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I was hurrying to get the students from music and take them to PE (because I was busy chit-chatting it up and not paying attention to the clock) anyways I passed a mom waiting to pick up her child. I was in a good mood and smiling so she smiled and stopped me to tell me something. 

Random Mom: "When you first walked out of the room I couldn't even tell you were pregnant! Then I saw you walking and instantly knew from your waddle!"

Me: "Oh yea, I kind of have the waddle perfected"

Random Mom: "Well luckily it only lasts for a little bit!"

Me: "Ha, ya seriously"

Talk about awkward! I have known for a couple of weeks days that I have started to waddle but I was still under the naive impression that it wasn't noticeable to other people. After today I clearly know that was wrong! I felt like I was having a repeat of the conversation Jake and I had 3 weeks ago.

Jake: "You know how in movies and TV they always show the pregnant lady shoving food in her face like she has never seen food before? Well I just witnessed you doing that first hand!"

Me: No response, I just continued to eat his portion of fries from In-n-out because I had already finishes mine.

Pregnancy has done a whole crap load to my normal everyday life and how I see myself. I think the further into this pregnancy I get the more naive I become about how I truly appear to other people. Or it could be the fact that at 8 months I just could care less. Its probably the later but I'll pretend like its an equal amount of both. Anyways on a happy note just 45 days (52 at the latest) that I have to shove my face with food and waddle!

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