Monday, October 10, 2011

Paula Dean

So for Columbus day my mentor teacher and I decided to do a fun activity centered around spices.  She made a batch of oatmeal cookies with no spices (including salt) and I made one full of different spices.  We gave them both to the kids and had them see if they could see a difference, smell a difference and then taste a difference.

I decided to google a recipe for oatmeal cookies because I never make them (I think its gross to add raisins to cookies).  Well I stumbled upon Paula Deans recipe for loaded Oatmeal cookies Click Here .  Honestly these were the best cookies I have had! (minus raisins of course) There is something to all the homey southern ingredients like buttermilk which make the cookies out of this world. 

I was dying watching the kids taste Mrs. Hatchs' cookies, seriously the highlight of my day!  They like took one bite and then told their neighbor not to eat them lol.  After they had tried both we talked about why people wanted spices so much.  It was a fun way for them to see how much flavor spice adds to our food.

Anyways I thought I'd share a picture of what they look like and a link to the recipe and a very strong demand suggestion to make them!!  Happy Columbus Day! 

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