Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cry Baby

Yesterday I was a complete and total cry baby. I'm not even going to pretend/sugarcoat it.

When I took T for his 1 year check up they gave me labs to get his blood drawn to check iron levels and some other things they keep an eye on with whole milk. Needless to say I walked out of the doctors office with a teary eyed baby with hurt feelings (4 shots will do that him) and thought haha ya right. So I put the lab in the back of our file folder. I ignored the drs office calling and emailing me. It wasn't until I was driving home from lunch that I thought about how ridiculous I was being. I firmly believe in vaccinating T And if I can trust a random hair person to do what color they think is best along with wide range I give them since they studied hair, I better trust my amazing dr for the se thing.

See the problem was I didn't want to admit to myself how nervous I was. The last time T had his blood drawn we were having to admit him to the hospital at just 2 days past turning 1 month. And let me tell you that wasn't fun. They pricked him 5 times in both arms trying to draw blood before giving up and going through the vein in his forehead. There was blood everywhere. Total nightmare that I conveniently realized I hadn't dealt with until asked to draw blood again.

So as we walked into the Quest I thought I was being such an idiot before, yada yada. Only to find myself .5 seconds from a practical repeat. The lady although very nice had to stick him 2 times, the second time she wiggled the needle around inside trying to get blood, when she finally got it T wiggled his hand free and yanked it out, he's screaming like I've never heard, both nurses are trying to help me keep him still and then finally she replaced it and filled up the two small things and we were on a way.

Needless to say I walked out of there happy to have it over and cried for the first time (medically related ha) since he was in the hospital. I gave him anything he wanted...including letting him push the elevator buttons and walk the whole distance to the car only holding my hand 1/2 the time. (That took forever!)

If I thought shots were a breez before they're going to be a joke now for me. I truly think that was harder for me than T. He was laughing and singing and dancing the moment we walked out of the Quest, while I was fighting back tears and all angry they can't take my blood instead of his.

I'll just chalk that while experience to another first and cross my fingers, toes and any other body parts I'm not doing that again any time soon!

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