Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Best Day in December

A year ago today was my "due date" which always seems so weird to think about. Ty did not show up early or on time, and as I think back I sometimes laugh at how completely clueless I was. Thinking back to last year and how much our lives have changed.  I can no longer deny that I have a one year old (next week!!!).  Looking at that first picture reminds me once again that Jake and I had no clue that in a few shortish hours our lives would change in ways we didn't know were possible.

I am grateful everyday for this precious gift Heavenly Father has sent us.  I know that most 23 year olds don't dream of staying home and having their lives revolve around nap schedules, eating schedules, diaper changes and all the other things that go into being a mother or a parent but for me its perfect.  I couldn't imagine being or doing anything else.  It has challenged me and changed me for the better.  Every day I am blessed to call this little boy mine and in return be called a mother by him.  Thanks little T, I can't imagine my life without you
About an hour before my first contraction (ever) and a grand total of 5 hours before going to the hospital 

First time I held him

Saying goodbye to the elevator he was trapped in

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