Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Little Things

This week I am particularly grateful for a couple of things....

 1. That I am officially considered this! Going to school at BYU has had its challenges but the pros of going to this school have FAR outweighed the cons.  I feel extremely blessed to have parents tell me they would only pay for me to attend school here.  Although BYU isn't for everyone it's exactly what I needed in my life.  I will forever be grateful to parents who helped jump-start me on a path to a successful life.  One where religion and school go hand-in-hand.

 2. These lovely things

I know what you are thinking, I am a total freak to be grateful for these.  However my two things go hand in hand.  This week my morning sickness has decided to strike back with full force and I have spent every single day throwing up.  I tried leaving the house yesterday only to find myself throwing up in the Taco Bell parking lot...sorry to anyone who saw.  Therefore I am extremely glad that I am done with school so that I can run down the hall/ live in the bathroom until my body decides to stop getting sick or this baby comes.  I personally am hoping for the later.  Anyways I am greateful that I can be sick in the comfort of my own home and I am not a pioneer who has to dig a hole or visit an outhouse. 

So today I am choosing to see the joy in the little things, because it helps me from going insane wondering when this baby will decide to show his face.  Good news is that he has a week to decide if he wants to come on his own before they force him so let the official countdown begin!

1 comment:

  1. oh dear, that morning sickness sounds awful! Keep us posted! I am so thrilled for ya'll! Congratulations on the 1 week count down! Please post pictures!!
